
Download a number of Google Image Results at a time

To search or just for watching images over the internet, generally we use the Google Image search service. Whenever we try to store some of the images then we have to download the them one by one which is really a time consuming task. And Google doesn't provide such service or tools that would allow you to download Google Image results in bulk as this downloading task could void the privacy policy.


Get Google Chrome Browser Tab and Bookmark Bar in Windows Explorer | Clover

The tab functionality of Google Chrome browser is known for its performances and easy tab switching. This tab feature makes navigation faster and helps to handle the opened windows right from the working one. The Clover by the ejie.me is such a tool that can make the Windows Explorer like the Google Chrome browser (tab and bookmark features).  It's integrated into the Windows explorer to provide  the functionality of  the Google chrome browser or for the tabbed windows explorer experience. Clover introduces a powerful and easy-to-use Browser Helper Object (BHO) for the Windows Xp/Vista/7/8.

Sync your Nokia S40 Calendar with Google Calendar

Google synchronize allows a device to sync its contacts as well as its  calender . On a mobile device the calendar is the second, somewhere...